Repawns: Also known as "respawning", this game mode is similar to Classic except that players who die respawn. You may not trap you opponent using a "seal" or "stab". In most DF servers, theres are rules to trapping your opponent that is widely accepted throughout the armagetron advanced community, but is not completely defined. Dog Fight (DF): Currently it is a mode that consists of slow bikes and medium rubber (around 10). These should only be considered short-hand reference. These can all be manipulated in such a manner that the resulting gameplay may deviate from the above definitions. It should be noted that there are several rubber-related settings which all act in concert, and usually relative to speed and cycle delay to boot. These servers also tend to have a large arena, high speed, low CYCLE_DELAY, and strong brakes. High Rubber (HR): Any value over 5, though generally 10 and above. Medium Rubber (MR): Rubber value of 3 to 5. Low Rubber (LR): Rubber value of 1 to 3. No Rubber (NR): CYCLE_RUBBER is set to 0 or some fraction of 1. Many players have taken to further classifying standard FFA or LMS servers by the basic and/or general amount of rubber available (and ensuing gameplay mechanics). Last Man Standing: Distinguished by round win/survival accounting for the sole or predominant method of scoring. Match completion may be decided by one or any combination of score limit, round limit, or time limit. Scoring may be awarded (or deducted) based on one or any combination of core dumps (kills), general protection faults (deaths), "suicides", winzone contact, and/or round win/survival. Free-for-all (sometimes referred to as Deathmatch): Players compete against one another as either individuals or teams, in an "every player (or team) for him- or herself" scenario. Most of the documentation found on this wiki applies to it, either directly or indirectly. Classic: The oldest game variation, and until recently the only game variation available. Sumo: The object is to stay in a zone while trying to force the opponent out. There is only one team defending and one team attacking at a time.
You have three lives each to capture the opponent's base, or defend yours. Onslaught (Sty): A fortress game in which respawning is enabled.Players are respawned if they are dead and a player (ally or opponent) touches the base with the respective color. Flag Fortress (FF) (Sty): A fortress game with fortress physics with the objective being to capture the opponents flag.Wild Fortress (Sty): Objective is to conquer the opponents' zone while defending yours on various maps.
This game can be played with teams or death match style.