Chekhov's Gun: "Once you put this on, you get one James Bond quote.
Ethan seems to get the upper hand after he sorts out the rules, but then she moves on rigging the tabletop games by, um, paying the entrance fees for a band of hobos for a prize that's only a percentage of the money she paid.
Cheaters Never Prosper: Ethan trying out an RPG-themed rewards system (one of his rare, not-actually-that-bad ideas) at his game shop when he encounters a Gamer Chick who's trying to manipulate the system by buying ten games at once to get an eleventh one at a discount and then returning the first ten games. Or he did it as part of his daily seven seconds of focus. It's been theorized that this has something to do with Ethan and Lilah moving from boyfriend-girlfriend to married couple, where Ethan's behavior wouldn't really work.
Character Development / Character Derailment: Ethan suddenly acquires competence when he uses his cellphone as a wire. Cerebus Syndrome: Since the miscarriage, there have been more purely dramatic strips and less gags. His crime is basically being a very naive newbie. Faildruid, a hapless World of Warcraft player/character who happens to be a bear (and later an owl-bear). Rob's hideous crime? He's a "frat boy" who only likes a handful of super-popular games like World of Warcraft and Halo. Ethan once pushed a vending machine on him purely For the Evulz and then jumped on top of it with Rob still laying under it. Very seldom will anyone say anything remotely nice to or about him. For that matter, when was the last time we saw Chef Brian? Brother Chuck: Scott may as well be, seeing as he was never officially Put on a Bus. However, there are issues with this, since the the fanboys are always gamecube fans, the evil Gamer King in an early strip used a staff with a golden Gamecube controller on top (versus Ethan's X Box one), Ethan playing a Gamecube is referred to as a "sin against the gaming gods," he mentions that turning the Gamecube into a robot would result into a girl robot, and doing the same to a Playstation would produce a gay one while the Xbox appears to be perfect and sinless. We'll buy that a bit Anvilicious, but an adequate Aesop of its own. Broken Aesop: The comic makes it clear it's wrong to be a "console fanboy," in one strip even having God personally squash one. Breaking the Fourth Wall: Done quite literally in this strip. Bound and Gagged: Happens to Lilah in one strip when she's kidnapped. Big Damn Heroes: Rory saves Ethan with a fire extinguisher attacking the Hawaiian Mafia. Wasn't well recieved, Blind Ferret Entertainment, who produced season one had this to say: Animated Adaptation: Uses different storylines than those of the comic itself. Alt Text / Footnote Fever: The Annotated Series. The Alcoholic: Ethan, when he's depressed. "Blame the microwave burrito you ate before bed!" Achey Scars: On Ethan's shoulder and caused by Rory - which has only been mentioned once and never again.
There is also an animated adaption, Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series.
Not to be confused with the three-finger-salute/ Vulcan Nerve Pinch. The comic tends to alternate its updates between story-based strips and video game-specific ones. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ĭtrl+Alt+Del is a Two Gamers on a Couch Web Comic, following the adventures of two guys, a girl, and a robot who alternate between sitting around playing video games and getting up to wacky hijinks. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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